
最近在学习共享内存区的知识,通过共享内存区的方式实现进程间通讯的效率比网络通讯会高很多,于是想到是不是可以通过共享内存的方式在多个进程间共享缓存呢?比如,可以在运行多个php-fpm works的主机上共享配置或者数据,进而大大减少文件IO和内存占用了,一台机器获取可以运行更多的works了。



这样问题就有些眉目了,先简单的用PHP来实现一下吧!于是新建了一个项目ShareCache: Cache key-values in share memory for multiple processes to read without read lock,用来缓存配置文件,给多个PHP进程共享配置数据。


C 版本


Shared Memory Hash Table


在过去的一个月里我都在研究如何在共享内存中保存的哈希表,这样就可以很简单的跨进程使用了。在多个进程中缓存简单的数据这是一个很好的想法。我的使用目的主要是Nepomuk Resource class,它通过使用哈希表来优化键值对的缓存。为了保证每个应用的Resource classes之间的一致性,在其中花费了很多的努力。




  1. Wikipedia Article
  2. Video lectures from algo-class.org
  3. [Video lectures from MIT](Video lectures from MIT)




Normal Hash Table




Shared Memory Hash Table



Hash Name 数据

Hash Name

附加的整数是一个小的优化。当客户端需要使用哈希表时,它需要确定它们链接的是恰当的内存区,而不是老的版本。它需要确认自己记录的HashData name和HashName共享内存区记录的是不是一样的。



Hash Internal Data


  • Size: The number of elements in the hash table
  • Capacity: The total number of elements the hash table can hold
  • Invalid: The number of buckets that invalid (have been deleted)
  • Empty-Bucket: The offset of the next empty bucket which may be used for insertion



struct Bucket {
    KeyType key;
    ValueType value;
    int hash;
    int link;

The link member is again not a pointer, but it contains the integer offset to the next Bucket from the start of m_data. link成员同样不是一个指针,包含的是从m_data开始到下一个Bucket的整数偏移量。



The corresponding index is checked in m_buckets. If m_buckets does not already have some value over there, there is no collision and we just allocate a new Bucket and plug in its offset. 在m_buckets查找相应的index,如果m_buckets在相应的地方没有值,那么就没有冲突发生,

Allocations of new buckets are done by consuming the location given by emptyBucket, and then incrementing its value.

If m_buckets does not have an empty value, we go to the corresponding Bucket, and follow its link until the link is empty. At that point we allocate a new node and make the link point to this new Bucket. This approach is almost identical to that of conventional chaining, except that we are using offsets instead of pointers.


Delete operations are fairly similar to insertions. The index is procured by hashing they key, and performing a modulo operation with the capacity. After which m_buckets is used to get the offset of the actual Bucket. Instead of deleting the bucket, which would not be possible cause it is stored in an array, we simply mark it as invalid.

The number of invalid buckets is then updated, and m_buckets[index] is marked as empty. Later during the resize operation, the wasted memory will be cleaned up.

Note: Deletions are actually a little more complex because of collisions, but you just need to traverse the entire link chain, and mark the corresponding Bucket as invalid

Resizing The resize operation occurs when the loadRatio of the hash table goes above a certain threshold. For now, I’ve set it to 0.8.

loadRatio = (invalid-buckets + size) / capacity

When the loadRatio goes above 0.8, a new shared memory location is allocated. The metadata (size, capacity, invalid and empty-Bucket) are initially copied to the new shared memory. After which the offset for each bucket is recalculated ( hash % newCapacity ), and it is inserted into the new shared memory.

The invalid buckets are ignored and they are not copied.

Once the copying is completed, the hash data key in HashName is updated, the id is incremented. This is done so that all other applications using the shared memory can update their internal pointers.


Iterating over the hash table is probably the only operation that is a lot simpler than traditional hash tables. We already have all the data listed as an array -m_data. All we need to do is iterate over it while discarding invalid buckets which were created by delete operations.

Well, in theory.

In practice, safely iterating over a shared hash involves copying the element being accessed. Mainly because another application could have shrunk the entire memory and your index could no longer be valid.

Another possible way is to copy its contents to a QHash. I’ve implemented a simple function for that.


Dynamically allocated Types

You cannot use any types which dynamically allocate memory as the key or value. This rules out QString, QUrl, QVariant (kinda) and most of the commonly used Qt Data Structures. If you need to use a string as the key, you’ll need to explicitly set an upper limit by using something like QVarLengthArray.

This is a huge problem, and makes using the shared hash very difficult in practice.

最近更新: 5/17/2019, 9:07:01 AM